hi lovely!

In life, we are designated a team of heavenly hosts to walk beside us, to support us and to help us reach our highest potential. We are truly never alone. It’s my life’s work to connect people to this invaluable spiritual resource that is theirs by divine birthright.

i'm so glad you're here!

I’m a professional Angel Channeler, Astrologer, and Spiritual Teacher. I’ve been offering Angel channeling sessions professionally for 13 rewarding years. Astrology is another love of mine that has been waiting in the wings to be offered publically for quite some time. I’m very excited to be offering astrological consultations as a way for people to find deeper meaning and purpose in their lives.

I’ve been a devoted student and seeker of the spiritual path for over thirty years. In my early teens, I had several personal experiences that opened my awareness and connection to the Angelic realm and all things supernatural. At 19, I had a spiritual awakening, and shortly thereafter found myself at the Psychic Eye Bookstore in Las Vegas, Nevada filling out an application for employment. Little did I know that this job was going to open me up to everything that I’m now doing professionally. 

A series of synchronistic events

led me to offer Angel Channeling and Mediumship sessions (I no longer offer Mediumship) to the public and I opened a practice for myself in 2012. On August 8th, 2021, on the Lion’s Gate New Moon, I was awakened from sleep by a clear and distinct voice that said, “Become an Astrologer.” With zero hesitation, I began a 6-month deep dive refreshing my astrological knowledge of all that I had studied over the past 30-years. I also took classes from Chris Brennan and Kelly Surtees to learn traditional Hellenistic techniques and was led to take Heather Ealand’s Cosmic Academy course in 2022.

Along my spiritual journey, I've had three beautiful mentors of the psychic arts who have been instrumental in helping me to strengthen and nourish my gifts as a conscious channel, psychic and healer. I was divinely led to each of them and I am most grateful for the invisible hands that brought our paths together.

To witness my clients grow and evolve into who they are truly meant to be, and to see them heal and master the challenges in their lives with more ease and grace, has been very rewarding. I have truly loved every minute of helping others realize their full potential and look forward to helping many more do the same.

it's time to feel







My absolute favorite people to work with are those who want to grow, who seek change, and are willing to commit to the path of self-mastery. I would define myself as a healers’ healer, and those who have healing abilities and spiritual gifts gravitate towards working with me. My specialty is helping people access what is holding them back and helping them see themselves in a way that is in alignment with their true essence and evolutionary path.

Over the years, I have worked with my Angels during my own healing journey, which also included understanding my natal chart. As my Angels guided me through an immense amount of personal transformation I witnessed their power and the unexplainable situations that occurred in their presence. I’m not surprised at all when I witness the Angels transforming my clients lives as well. To watch someone transition from one state of being to another is like witnessing a miracle, and I feel so blessed to be a part of that process. Healing takes time, diligence and devotion to loving oneself to wholeness, but the work is always worth it, especially when you have a little help from above.

who i work with


- a. gulley

"I have had numerous readings from Whitney that have all proven helpful, accurate, and transformational. Whitney makes me feel comfortable and safe with her loving, open-hearted, and compassionate presence. She is indeed a highly gifted clairvoyant and psychic, who connects with the exact information you need to know at the present time.”

-Herb Irle

"Whitney's unique style of doing a reading is in a class by herself. She relates very well to the individual and does it with unconditional love, compassion, warmth, and care. Her ability to connect in with the individual's spiritual guides allows her to convey the messages that are intended for the individual to hear and be made aware of. She leaves no stone unturned and is very thorough. I have had many psychic readings from numerous readers over the past 20 years and have been guided to certain readers that work on the higher vibrational levels. Whitney is definitely one of them."

- d. roberts.

"Whitney is truly a gifted psychic, and so much more.  In my readings with her, I was immediately taken by her innocence and humbleness, a gift that is quite rare in this field. She shares truth, the kind that breaks through those mental and emotional patterns to create a shift within you. It is that kind of truth that immediately creates a shift in your own vibration, and allows you to take a quantum leap forward, right then and there. I highly recommend taking advantage of her incredible talent and break through any patterns that are holding you back from realizing your true potential."