Find direction in your life.
Gain insight into your personal affairs (career, relationships, finances, etc.).
Overcome blocks, boundaries and fears that interfere with your personal power.
Understand your soul's karmic journey (past-life karmic patterns).
Awaken your spiritual potential and soul’s purpose.
This session is an opportunity to be in the presence of your personal team of angels and to receive their messages. Your team of angels are with you to inspire, uplift and motivate you towards your own self-empowerment and self-mastery. Their messages can bring clarity and guidance in both the mundane and spiritual aspects of your life.
• Please be in a quiet place where you will be undisturbed for the hour. Do not be multi-tasking or eating. I will need your full attention.
• Avoid having caffeine before the session. I need your nervous system calm.
• Take time to get yourself settled and grounded before the session starts.
• Do take time to think of any questions that you’d like to ask.
• I highly recommend you take notes or record the session. I do not record sessions.
Sessions are held via Zoom, Facetime or phone. The first half of the session is spent introducing you to your team of angels and delivering any messages that they have for you. The second half of the session offers the opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have about your life.
Please know that Angels are not your deceased loved ones. However, if a loved one appears on their own during your session I'm happy to deliver you a message from them.
Gift Certificates are Available on Booking Page
The 90-minute session offers more time with your angels to explore the various topics of your life in greater detail. This time can also be used to receive personalized tips and tools from your angels regarding how to best heal emotional trauma and mental patterns, create or deepen a spiritual practice, better access your intuitive/psychic abilities and any other topic you’d like to explore more deeply.
*For returning clients only.
This session is great if you’ve already had a 60-minute Angel Channeling session with me and have one or two questions that you’d like to receive guidance and clarity on. 30-minutes goes by fast so be sure to have your questions well thought out in advance. If you think you’ll need more time, please consider the full hour consultation.
A Couples Session is a great way to understand the karmic ties and the reasons why two souls have come together in union.
How to engage with each other at deeper levels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
How to remove blocks or resistances that may be present between you.
Exploring the spiritual connections between you and your children.
What may be discussed during the session can include but is not limited to the following:
The gifts each partner is receiving on a soul level from being in the relationship.
The lessons or challenges that are wanting to be overcome and healed from this union.
An exact birth time from a birth certificate is necessary for the session. I do not rectify charts. All Sessions are held via Zoom and can be recorded.
Your natal chart is considered to be the blueprint of your soul. It’s a sacred contract between you, the Cosmos and the Divine. It holds within it the unique set of gifts, lessons and karmic circumstances you're meant to orchestrate and master in this lifetime.
Identify the major themes your soul is mastering this lifetime.
Highlight your inner strengths, gifts, and talents.
Understand the workings of your psyche and subjective experiences.
See the challenges to your success in life and how to heal and grow from them.
Gain insight regarding your vocation and career path.
Understand personal relationship dynamics and patterns.
Learn more about astrology and understand the importance of the planetary energies impacting your life.
I incorporate both Modern (western) and Hellenistic astrological techniques and perspectives. I view the chart using a whole sign house system. I use a combination of forecasting methods: planetary transits, Annual Profection, Solar returns, Firdaria, secondary progressions, eclipse cycles, nodal cycles and Zodiacal Releasing.
Astrology is its own special language and my goal with sessions is to explain your natal chart in a way that brings you deeper understanding as well as practical insight that you can utilize in your daily reality. I will unfold the layers of your chart to reveal the gifts and the challenges you’re here to embody and master. If there are certain psychological aspects of your personality that you struggle with, or parts of your life that bring difficulty, I will help to clarify such topics. I’ll also highlight any significant past and current planetary cycles to help you understand the influence of the planetary energies in relation to your life.
Natal Chart Analysis
60-minutes $150
This session outlines the major life theme(s) and the primary gifts and challenges your natal chart embodies. If desired, a particular area of life or specific personal issue can be of primary focus and discussed in greater detail.
Natal Chart Analysis and Yearly Forecast
90-minutes $200
This session outlines the major life theme(s) and the primary gifts and challenges your natal chart embodies. If desired, a particular area of life or specific personal issue can be of primary focus and discussed in greater detail.
It also includes a 12-month forecast of how the planets will provide an energetic container for molding, shifting and activating your innate potential. Various forecasting techniques will be applied to help you navigate your life with better discernment.
Yearly Forecast
60-minutes $145
This session offers a chance to see what events and opportunities will be unfolding in your life for the year ahead. Various forecasting techniques will be used to give you the best overview of the planetary energies and how they will be impacting your natal chart. This is perfect option to select as a birthday gift to yourself since a whole new set of dynamics begin to unfold each birthday year. It's helpful to have had a natal chart consultation but it isn't a prerequisite for this session.
A 24-hour notice of cancellation or reschedule is required for a refund of your session payment. If I am not given this notice I will charge for the session.
Sessions begin exactly at the scheduled time. As a courtesy to clients, a 10-minute leeway is available, however, 10-minutes will be taken off the session time. After 10-minutes the appointment will be considered a no-show and session fee will be charged.
Time Zone
You are responsible for making sure your time zone has been adjusted to Mountain Standard Time-Colorado. I will not be responsible for time zone mishaps and the session fee will be charged if the appointment is missed due to this issue.
Body and Mind
Energy is everything!! Please get enough rest and don't consume caffeine, alcohol or drugs before our time together. If you have a cold or are physically low in energy please reschedule your appointment. I reserve the right to cancel the session without refund if any of the above has been ignored.
Over-Time Charges
Time that is beyond the standard session time will be automatically charged. Overages are $2.50 a minute (a 15-minute block is $35). Payment will be taken at the end of the session.
I reserve the right to discontinue a session at any time if I’m uncomfortable with the energies that are present. Money will be refunded.
All sessions are for personal guidance/entertainment purposes only. I will not offer legal, medical or financial advice during sessions as I’m not legally qualified to do so. I will not be held accountable for the decisions you make following a session.